Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Investigations and Experiments

Seventh period data. First column of numbers is the trial with the photogates set at 5 cm and 80 cm. Second set is with the gates 10 cm apart disregarding location on the ramp. In two or three sentences describe why the data in your first trial was more reliable than in the second trial.Your answer should talk about variables.

8th period data. First column data is when you had the photogates 10 cm apart and the ramps are at various heights.  The second column is when the ramps were at different heights but the gates were all 75 cm apart. In two or three sentences describe why the data in your second trial was more reliable than in the first.  Your answer should talk about variables.

First period data is to the left.  The first column numbers are the ones with 10 cm intervals with no attention to location of the gates.  The second column of data is acquired with the gates 75 cm apart and all groups' gates at the same location.  Two groups gave their car a nudge and caused "bad" data. Answer the following: In two or three sentences describe why the data in your first trial was more reliable than in the second trial.Your answer should talk about variables.

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